Always paint what you feel over and above what you see
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Wam Bam Jam - Birth of a Band
Like a lot of people, the boss spoke to me for the first time the other day. He got my name wrong and then said," You're Fired, er i mean redundant." I left the building in a politically correct state of bemusement and went home to review my finances with my financial advisers: the cat, the dog and Alf my life insurance/pension bloke. Apparently, I have nothing to worry about: it’s only wild animals with valuable skins who tend to meet their end courtesy of a poacher’s incandescent tool up the Khyber. Despite his reassurance, you’ll never see me browsing through the African section of the local Travel Agents. I guess that sense of trepidation makes me boring but I can honestly say I’ve crammed a lot into the past two decades. Perhaps I should be content with the latest of 3 marriages, 12 kids (accumulative total), reasonable income and healthy social life I have, but I still wake up every morning listening for the sound of the starting pistol. On your marks - wake up to the same old Radio 4 news. Get set - hate the same old drive to work. Go - relive the same daily fantasies about a life more meaningful. Why can’t I help but feel as though something profound, meaningful, possibly of earth-shattering consequence is missing? If the world won’t change to meet me half way (what an ego), I will have to change. So here’s the deal: from this moment forward, I’m going to live the life of an overachieving-existentialist; you know: balls-out and bum in the breeze - sometimes both at the same time. For the benefit of posterity, I shall keep detailed notes and digital photographs of this on-going experiment. My hope is that others my feel inspired to throw caution to the wind and discover the joys of running amok through the rest of their lives. The first thing I am going to do is join that band I have been talking about for years... more soon.
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