Thursday, 3 September 2009
I found my namesake hero Mike O'Brien

Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
New Portrait Commission

The film director, Jasmin Tempest, has commissioned a portrait for her new country house. Work starts today with a research session to create a context for the final work. Jasmin's latest project was Macbeth's Disciple, http://www.spearean.co.uk/ a film she shot with a cast of the great, the good and the next big thing from RADA
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Can't get Venice out of my head
Work in Progress

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Music 1
The window

That Day

Power Station
Here comes the sun
May you never be too old to play
The Celestine Prophecy
Thursday, 2 July 2009
I'm telling your Mum

Rehearse this

Meet the Band

Wam Bam Jam - Birth of a Band

Wednesday, 1 July 2009
You have to question their questionnaire

If you ever have an odd week or two to complete a subscription form, this is the site to turn your brain into mush and have you running out of will to live before you have got anywhere near the end of reaching the first Proceed button at which point you say "Not more".... I can't take any more of this bloody life/questionnaire...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
DMA Email Marketing Council Blog

DMA Email Marketing Council Blog
Quidco - The web's cashback cooperative

Bag yourself a quote on what your affiliate program might cost you.
Quidco - The web's cashback cooperative
Website Optimiser - to boldly go where your website has never gone before

Never mind the split infinitive, if you are looking for a sales hyper-drive button that will help you "go boldly" where you've never gone before, Jean Luke Piccard (Gavin Sinden) recommends a visit to planet Google's Web Optimiser package. It's free... but that doesn't mean it can't help improve engagement on your website.
Website Optimiser
Google Insights for Search - Web Search Volume: compare the market - Worldwide, 2004 - present

Love him/it or hate it, this is on-line branding and response building in a nut shell. Just compare (get it) its performance against the market (get it).
Google Insights for Search - Web Search Volume: compare the market - Worldwide, 2004 - present
Friday, 13 February 2009
So that's what £100,000 in cash looks like

You show me yours and I'll... well, I'll tell on you.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Do I look big in this bum?

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
For F@*k's sake

How can you switch on to a Gordon Ramsey show and then complain when he goes verbal to the tune of 243/187 F words (depending on the news source). In response to phone calls to Channel 4, Lib Dem MP's were forced to stop wondering which professional pervert leader not to elect; Ofcom were forced not to comment/do nothing (what's new) and the not so great and the not so good everywhere were yelling into their lattes in Cafes from Bloombury to Islington. If you don't like the Gordon Ramsey approach to verbals... don't watch. Why are you watching if you are a sensitive soul/bore? Does it hint at that you are in denial about your latent masochistic tendencies? Do you have a lack of things of consequence to occupy your dull life and ploddy intellect. Get a life. Stop watching celebrity-floging PR bullshit TV and pick up the phone and complain about theiving bankers, dumbass politicians, murderous conflicts, teenage drinking, crap healthcare, company pension fund raids, asset stripping tychoons, Job losses. Russian oligarchs, American robber barons and International Criminals owning our footie clubs, Celebrity retards influencing our kids with their own vacuous TV shows etc. I could go on, but then I have already... Fcuk me!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Oh. My. God!

Saturday, 24 January 2009
Whose Brand is it anyway?

"If that's the case," I prompt, "I want each of you to write a one liner on the brand." After a few minutes of allowing them to look deep into the recesses of their considerably well-educated minds (for the corporately approved answer), or out of the window over the Thames (for a little personal inspiration), I collect the answers and list out the incredible, not even remotely related range of answers. I then go for the brand jugular...
"If you lot can't reach a consensus, how are the hell are customers? The fact is, most brand gurus seem to have little or no interest in what real people think about brands. It's better to stick your head in the sand/up your own backside (take your pick) and just get on with thinking out of the box/our box (depending on amount of cocaine used to stimulate creative juices). After all, we are the pros, are we not? Why let the great unwashed/uneducated (those without an Eden Project-sized atrium in the office) have a say in anything? I wonder if this blinkered thinking is why direct is now bigger than brand and both will soon be subsumed into digital (the brand that people are defining and re-defining 24 hours a day. Start listening to what the people (not in artificially inseminated focus groups) are saying about your brand in real time and you might learn something: the truth about your brand.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Here we go again

It's that time of year when we ask ourselves the two vital questions: "What have we done?" and "What next?" Did you finally get your work/life balance sorted out? Will it be this year? What is the correct ratio for the achievement of balance in one's life? 50/50? seems a little neat and not very practical. One of the key problems is that you spend a large percentage of your "Life" factor in bed asleep, thus wasting perhaps 50% of your down time on getting your head down. So you try insomnia to help make the most of your awake time only to find that clients/contacts/students start emailing and facebooking you at 4 in the morning. Now your work/life balance is really skewed/screwed. So you spend more time out of the office, working from home, hoping that Gmail will act as a moderating channel between you and the world and only to find that your nifty Blackberry never shuts up twittering and muttering at you. I'm driving to a meeting, it twits. I'm in the loo, it twits. I'm going out of my mind, it twits. There it goes again. Work/Life balance my arse. I must be crazy to even audit my work life balance. Look waht happened to Dudley Moore in the film Crazy People. He's an ad man who has a Jerry McGuire moment and say's "I know what we'll do: we'll tell the truth about products and services in our ads." They end up locking him away in an asylum. I hope there's room for me. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em I say. If we all end up living in a "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" wardened controlled home for retired ad and marketing people, perhaps the world would be a better place. No-one to make the general populace suffer from coms-induced status anxiety about the lack of funds required to purchase the latest ipod. No aspiration-crushing demonstrations of ad campaigns designed to underscore your oh-so-obvious inability to have it all (the footbal clubs, old masters, gargantuan houses, helicopter-toting yachts, private aiforce, top gear wheels, faberge eggs for breakfast etc etc. No it is easier to just join the nutters asap. The more, the merrier.