It's been a while. I've been taking a long hard look at the various strands of my creative life and trying to put some order into the chaos. I've tried everything including having no system at all and just dealing with whatever comes most urgently to my attention. After all, John Lennon once mused that "Life is what happens while you're doing something else." I have come to the conclusion that the Buddhists have it right: "Life is what you choose to pay attention to." To that end, I have sorted out a system that allows to me to keep track of everything from my lecturing, art, framing and consulting businesses via a combination of daily mind maps working on conjunction with
Omnifocus. I can capture all the information, process and act upon it without having to keep all of it in my head. I have cleared out the desk clutter,
in-tray stockpiles and email backlogs. Sorted all the project files into folders and archived everything that isn't required for front of mind actions. In short, I have created peace of mind amid the whirlwind of immediate actions, mid-term projects and long term fantasies. My whole life is ordered into 3 main folders: Now. Next and Nuts. Each has subsections for the four working and one personal contexts. Fingers crossed. What Now?...Billing. What Next?...new business in Poland. What Nuts? I'm not ready to tell!